Tuesday, May 3, 2011

DIY: Outdoor Mason Jars

Spring has arrived and with that I got inspired to freshen up my outdoors a little.  Mason Jars . . who knew they could be used for so many different things?!? Mason Jars gave me the little bit of country look I wanted.  .  going for a little touch of Calamity Jane.  (see the movie if you don’t know what I am talking about) I used the jars as vases and as candle holders.  Here is all you need:

     Various Sizes of Mason Jars- 12 pack $10

     Rope- Home Depot $3

     Flowers- fresh picked: free!  Or $2 for silk

Filler- Chick peas, rock, sand, Raw Sugar/ Salt, Lavender, and/or Grain.  I enjoy roaming through my local grocery bulk section and finding anything with great texture or color. 

If you are going to have an outdoor party I thought the mason jars as candles would look great to welcome the guests!  Get creative!  I love that just by changing the filler you can make it earthy, organic, bright, or simple! Wrap it with rope, twine, or ribbon!


  1. Your centerpieces are too cute and I just love how you can put a post together! I linked this project to my Mason jars post too today, well done!

  2. Adorable! I LOVE your picture "hangers" on the blog...where did you find them?? :)

  3. I use some scrapbooking tools from shabbyprincess.com. Then have the cutest digital scrapbooking!

  4. Ropes are so versatile! From rock climbing, utility and yes, decorative purposes, you can't have enough of them, right? I've just discovered rock climbing and I'm training in an indoor gym. I never thought there were different kinds of ropes! This is all new to me and I now have a new appreciation for this simple yet useful tool. I've been reading quite a lot about ropes and I think this site that I've just stumbled into is very informative. Takes the guesswork of buying, if I may say so http://myoutdoorslife.com/basics/types-of-rope-for-outdoors.html

  5. Great photos, I love them! I'm a decorator and a rock climbing enthusiast. In my spare time, you can find me outdoors camping or rock climbing with my best buddies. I have a lot of different ropes and yes, some for climbing and some for decorative purposes. I've done a lot of indoor designing with nature motiff and once, I had a client who requested for a rock climbing wall design in his garden (but he doesn't clim). Wow! That was an enjoyable project for me. If you want some great info on the types of rope you can use, see this site: http://backpackingmastery.com/gear/types-of-rope-for-the-outdoors.html
